Welcome, Institute members!
Launched in April 2019 and now with over 1800 members, the GTMRx Institute is off and running with a range of activities to share timely, relevant content and facilitate dialogue to help ensure we can get the medications right for every person, every time.
An important part of our work is making sure it’s easy for our members to stay informed on what we’re doing and to take advantage of learning and collaboration opportunities.
Here you’ll find our “Focus On Communications” member updates. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to visit regularly to get the latest on these important efforts.
If you have a question or comment after watching the video, please feel free to submit it by completing the form linked here.
- GTMRx Institute celebrates 3-year anniversary on April 17, 2022 (Learn more)
- Executive Roundtable—Optimizing Medication Use for Accountable Care Success | April 13, 2022 (Learn more)
- Podcast | Voices of Change with Karthik Ganesh, CEO, EmpiRx Health (Listen)
- GTMRx Resource Center (Read)
- GTMRx Milestones (Read)
- Use Case | Cleveland Clinic (Read)
- Use Case | Federally Qualified Urban Health Network (FUHN) Medication Optimization (Read)
- Blog | Spreading the word: New VA web-based resource center shares road-tested insights for integrating clinical pharmacists | Julie Groppi, PharmD, VA (Read)
- Issue Brief | CMMI project shows how comprehensive medication management (CMM) improves care for high-risk patients: Initiative has expanded statewide (Read)
- Press Release: GTMRx Experts Reveal Health Care Must-Haves for 2022 and Beyond | March 15, 2022 (Read)
- And more!
- Health Care Value Week Sponsorship and Speaking (Watch)
- The National Registry of Comprehensive Medication Management Practices© by the GTMRx Institute (Visit)
- Letter to the Personalized Medicine Caucus Co-Chairs—Representatives Tom Emmer (R-MN) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA)—on the Right Drug Dose Now Act (Read)
- Sign on your Support (Form)
- Voices of Change Podcast with Jessica Lea, CEO, Tria Health (Listen)
- Blog: Employers need a comprehensive approach to improving the drug benefit. CMM is the solution | Karen van Caulil (Read)
- Blog: Pharmacogenomics for Physicians and Pharmacists: Legality and Liability Implications | Anthony Morrealle and Shawn McFarland (Read)
- And more!
Welcome to our newest Strategic Partner: Tria Health!
- A reflection on 2021
- Tips and predictions for 2022
- A survey to establish the National Registry of Comprehensive Medication Management Practices © — Please respond by Jan 13
- An upcoming conference, sponsored by GTMRx, with opportunities for interested stakeholders to participate in meaningful dialogue with health care executives and policymakers in the Administration and Congress through virtual events and social media
- Recent survey findings
- New podcast episode with insight on behavioral health and managing medications for those with mental health and substance abuse disorders
- Newly released tools and guidance on telehealth
- An updated CMM evidence document
- Helpful physician geared issue briefs
- And a message of hope for the new year
- Newly published Journal of Precision Medicine white paper and upcoming panel presentation 10/19
- Pulse of Pharma Survey extended—Let your voice be heard by 10/20
- Launch of GTMRx National Physician Advisory Taskforce
- New HealthcareNOW podcast featuring Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, executive director, American Public Health Association
- Blog | Time to move from evolution to revolution: A revolution that includes CMM
- Blog | An appeal: We need your financial support to find a better way to manage medications
- Webinar | Integrating Clinical Pharmacists into Primary Care on Oct. 20—Register
- Webinar Recording | Alternative Payment Approaches for Advancing CMM in Primary Care
- Webinar Recording | A Better Way to Manage Medications
- Employer Survey results to be announced Oct. 20
- GTMRx in the Media | American Health & Drug Benefits: “Medication Optimization: Integration of Comprehensive Medication Management into Practice“
Welcome to our newest Strategic Partner: College of Psychiatric and Neurological Pharmacists (CPNP)
- Announcement of new GTMRx Distinguished Fellow, Mary Roth McClurg, PharmD, MHS
- New Issue Brief | Comprehensive Medication Management: Employers hold the key to solving the $528B health care problem
- New Voices of Change Podcast featuring Cheryl Larson, President and CEO, Midwest Business Group on Health
- New blogs
- Missing metrics: Putting CMM-specific measures in place (Curtis Haas, PharmD, Chief Pharmacy Officer, University of Rochester Medical Center)
- Self-insured employers: Drive improved patient experience and ROI via CMM (Chris Syverson, CEO, Nevada Business Group on Health/Nevada Health Partners)
- Vaccinate. Don’t castigate. Health neighborhoods have the power to instill vaccine confidence and slow the spread of COVID-19 (Katherine Capps, Co-Founder and Executive Director, GTMRx Institute)
- Highlights of GTMRx in the news
- Highlights of Consumer Survey by Zogby Analytics partnered with GTMRx
- New Consumer Infographic
- Out and About with GTMRx
- Upcoming Webinars
- Alternative Payment Approaches for Advancing Comprehensive Medication Management in Primary Care (Registration Open)
- A Better Way to Manage Medications (Sept. 22…Registration opening soon)
- New GTMRx Strategic Partners
- New GTMRx Strategic Partners
- Employers as health plan sponsors: New Webinar Recording and Employer Toolkit Available!
- New blogs featuring voices of employers (Neil Goldfarb, President and CEO, Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health Health & Katherine Capps, Co-founder and Executive Director, GTMRx Institute)
- Pulse on Pharma Survey results
- June 15 Release of Report and Recommendations of the GTMRx National Task Force Building Confidence in the Health Neighborhood…a special thanks to the GTMRx National Building Vaccine Confidence Task Force
- Highlights from the June 24 GTMRx Executive Roundtable
- 2 minutes? Explain CMM to consumers: Video
- Soon-to-be released Employer Toolkit
- Bipartisan Policy Center and GTMRx event: Building Vaccine Confidence During COVID-19: The Role of the Medical Neighborhood
- Newly published blogs
- Announcement of new Strategic Partnerships with OneOme and the Journal of Precision Medicine
- New Voices of Change Podcast episode featuring a patient story
- OPM seeking new medication therapy management solutions: Request for Information (RFI) responses due March 1
- Newly published blogs
- CMM vs. MTM: Patient-focused process vs. medication-focused activity (4 minute read)
- Employers: How comprehensive is your medication therapy management program? (3 minute read)
- Announcement of new Strategic Partnership with Kimber Booth
- Call to Action: Share and promote new tools offering policy, practice and payment guidance using the Tools from Our Experts found in our Promotional Kit
- Announcement of new Strategic Partnership with Genentech,
- New issue brief, “Hunker down: Employers can transform health care delivery to lower costs and improve outcomes. But it will take work.”
- Workgroup and taskforce updates, to include the 4-Part Member Feedback Series that showcases the workgroup leadership,
- Launch of Tools from Our Experts,
- Announcement of peer-reviewed article that has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Medicine, “Assessing the Impact of Comprehensive Medication Management on Achievement of the Quadruple Aim: A Review,”
- Newly published blogs, “A call to action: Employers must leverage their buying power to transform health care,” “Precise, personalized and scalable: PGx as an essential tool in the CMM process” and “Let doctors be doctors: Comprehensive medication management supports primary care,”
- Recap of GTMRx conference participation and
- Newly released podcast, “Integrating PGx testing into the CMM process” on GenXys Precision Insights Podcasts and soon-to-be released Healthcare NOW Radio podcast with Liz Helms from California Chronic Care Coalition.
- Workgroup and taskforce updates,
- GTMRx continues to call for medication management reform as highlighted in the Blueprint for Change,
- Highlights from our Executive Roundtable on Oct. 9 | Paying for Value: Opportunities in the Medical Neighborhood to Get the Medications Right
- Call for Member Feedback: November events showcasing the workgroup leadership
- Newly published blogs and issue briefs
- New Executive Members and Strategic Partners and
- A progress update from Employer Toolkit Taskforce – Employer Toolkit
- New membership milestone!
- Workgroup and taskforce updates,
- The release of the Blueprint for Change,
- New Executive Members and Strategic Partners and
- A progress update on the development of our Employer Toolkit
- We are currently at almost 900 members from over 620 companies!
- Workgroup updates and taskforce updates
- New webinars
- Upcoming Blueprint for Change
- Employer Toolkit development
- Starting off Year 2 with 819 signing members representing over 575 companies!
- COVID-19 GTMRx staff adjustments
- Election of Officers – Paul Grundy, MD, Interim President, GTMRx
- Highlights from GTMRx and Bipartisan Policy Center event, “Get the Medications Right: Innovations in Team-Based Care“
- 2020 topics for GTMRx Learning Network
- “Optimizing the primary care clinical pharmacy specialist: Increasing patient access and quality of care within the Veterans Health Administration” by M. Shawn McFarland Pharm.D., FCCP; Jordan Nelson Pharm.D.; Heather Ourth Pharm.D.; Julie Groppi Pharm.D.; and Anthony Morreale Pharm.D, published in the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- Starting off 2020 with over 750 members!
- Feb. 6 call-to-action summit with the Bipartisan Policy Center—Get the Medications Right: Innovations in Team-Based Care
- Recap of meeting with national employer groups to develop an employer tool kit
- Newly syndicated podcasts on Healthcare NOW Radio
- Seven months and almost 700 members and counting!
- GTMRx Learning Network releases additional webinars, issue briefs, videos, podcasts and more
- Workgroups are working diligently to prepare for the Feb. 6 call-to-action summit—Get the Medications Right: Innovations in Team-Based Care
- Five short months, 500 members and counting!
- GTMRx Learning Network debuts featuring webinars, issue briefs, videos, podcasts and more
- Workgroups forming in four areas central to medication optimization