The 175+ GTMRx Institute Workgroup and Taskforce leaders and participants have been hard at work over the last six months creating an impressive set of tools for use presenting the case around the value of optimized medication use through comprehensive medication management (CMM) in practice. Designed for a variety of stakeholders, and authored by workgroup leadership and members, these documents create important tools for advocacy, partnership development and education.
We invite you to share these documents broadly through your social media channels, with colleagues and policy makers as you build the case for medication management reform.

December 13, 2024 | Evidence Document
The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs, December 2024
Learn about the peer-reviewed evidence showcasing the value of CMM, through improvements in the quality of care, provider work life and patient satisfaction, increased focus on ach…

December 31, 2023 | Evidence Document
The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs, December 2023
Learn about the peer-reviewed evidence showcasing the value of CMM, through improvements in the quality of care, provider work life and patient satisfaction, increased focus on ach…

December 8, 2022 | Infographic
Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM): The Value-Based Solution to Managing Medication Therapy Problems in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Risk-Bearing Entities
Comprehensive medication management (CMM) has been proven to be of value to ACOs and risk-bearing entities by demonstrating success in all aspects of the quintuple aim through redu…

December 8, 2022 | Evidence Document
Comprehensive Medication Management via Telehealth Modality in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs, December 2022
Learn about the peer-reviewed evidence showcasing the value of CMM delivered as a service via telehealth and its challenges. Telehealth is a promising modality to improve access to…

December 5, 2022 | Guidance Document
Comprehensive Medication Management: FAQ for ACOs and Risk-Based Provider Organizations, Population Health and Managed Care Plans
Find the answers to frequently asked questions, from an accountable care organization (ACO) standpoint (along with risk-based provider organizations, population health and managed…

November 28, 2022 | Guidance Document
Expanded Guidance on the Health IT Leadership Checklist: Information Technology Supports for Comprehensive Medication Management Practice Management Systems
The care delivery process for CMM ensures that the right patients are enrolled, their health conditions and diagnoses are defined and coded, their visits are scheduled longitudinal…

May 23, 2022 | Guidance Document
Optimizing Medication Use Through Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) in Practice: Strategic Recommendations for Implementing CMM into the Care Team with Sustainable Payment and Practice Structures
The GTMRx Institute offers this document as guidance for payment and policy solutions needed to expand access to CMM in order to positively impact patient care. Medication-related…

January 26, 2022 | Infographic
Improving Patient Care and Physician Work-life through Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM)
Designed with the physician in mind, this graphic walks through the issue of medication complexity and how comprehensive medication management (CMM) can be used to optimize patient…

October 8, 2021 | Guidance Document
The Integration of Telehealth Delivery within a Comprehensive Medication Management Practice
Considering the advantages of telehealth and the future direction of health care, it is no longer a question of if telehealth needs to be implemented into practice; rather, it is a…

October 8, 2021 | Use Case
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)—Primary Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (CPS) Practice
Learn how these expert practices, from the public and private sector, have implemented successful programs designed to optimize medication use. These use cases focus on delivery of…

October 7, 2021 | Published Literature
Comprehensive medication management research gap areas: A call to action for clinical pharmacy researchers
The article, written by GTMRx workgroup members from the Evidence-Based Resources Subgroup of the Practice and Care Delivery Transformation Workgroup, was published in the Journal…

September 30, 2021 | Published Literature
Improving Patient Outcomes through the Integration of Pharmacogenomic Testing into Comprehensive Medication Management Care Models
Abstract The role of pharmacogenomics in the clinical setting is shifting from a reactive testing approach toward a preemptive model. Since many clinicians have embraced comprehens…

September 24, 2021 | Published Literature
Medication Optimization: Integration of Comprehensive Medication Management into Practice
From American Health & Drug Benefits September 2021 Vol 14, No 3 Perspectives Medication Optimization: Integration of Comprehensive Medication Management into Practice M. Shaw…

January 17, 2021 | Published Literature
Assessing the Impact of Comprehensive Medication Management on Achievement of the Quadruple Aim Review
You can find the full article here, on The American Journal of Medicine website. Learn about the highlighted foundational components of CMM for practice integration that provide an…

November 25, 2020 | Guidance Document
Optimizing Medication Use through Comprehensive Medication Management in Practice: Value Framework
What do health plans, providers, employers, patients and other health care stakeholders value within CMM? Optimizing medication use through CMM in practice improves value and enhan…

November 25, 2020 | Evidence Document
The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Pharmacogenomics within Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs, October 2020
Learn about peer-reviewed evidence supporting pharmacogenomics (PGx) integrated into CMM team-based care which can produce decreased costs, increased provider education and patient…

November 25, 2020 | Use Case
Medication Optimization Use Case – Minnesota Health Fairview: Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
Learn how these expert practices, from the public and private sector, have implemented successful programs designed to optimize medication use. These use cases focus on delivery of…

November 25, 2020 | Guidance Document
The Four Formative Pillars: Top Health IT Capabilities that will Improve Comprehensive Medication Management
Those that are interested in designing and creating a CMM program can utilize this document to enable health information technology in practice. Discover four foundational componen…

November 24, 2020 | Guidance Document
Evaluation of Comprehensive Medication Management Research and Identification of Gap Areas
Over the last decade, there has been progress in defining and outlining CMM as part of a team-based care through research and descriptive reports. However, there are still gaps tha…