For Employers
Right medicine. Right patient. Right dosage.
For most employers, the cost of prescription drugs is rising at double digit rates (in 2016, 11.3% for active employees and retirees; 18.7% for specialty drugs). Frustrated with lack of transparency and unclear business dealings between PBMs and drug manufacturers, employers are demanding cost saving strategies that require a fundamentally different approach to the delivery system and benefit design. They are also defining new rules of engagement and implementing new contractual requirements between those who manage the spend.
Employers need assurance that medication decisions are based on clinical efficacy and safety. We want to better understand how investments in high-value drugs impact clinical outcomes.
The Institute is a vehicle to explore new and innovative payment and value-based contracting arrangements. It’s an opportunity to explore expanding roles and functions within team-based, collaborative, patient-centered care.
Are you doing all you can to enable better health for your employee population, better care for employees, and improved plan performance?
Join us. Together we can transform practice, use evidence wisely and implement real policy solutions.