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Welcome to the GTMRx Vaccine Confidence Communication Material Resource Center!

The GTMRx National Task Force, an invitation-only group of national experts focused on building vaccine confidence in the health neighborhood, launched on April 6, 2021 at a GTMRx and Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) national event. The Task Force convened to build a set of recommendations and guidance to inform the national dialogue around building vaccine confidence for the COVID-19 vaccine (and other vaccines) in the health neighborhood today and in the future. The final set of recommendations will be released June 15, 2021 and is a companion to the March 2021 background and resources report.

You can find the Vaccine Task Force Leadership and Members here.

Johnson & Johnson sponsored the effort; however, no employees or affiliates of Johnson & Johnson served on the task force, and the company neither advanced nor had approval over any of the recommendations.

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