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Dr. Karen van Caulil joined the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value, formerly known as the Florida Health Care Coalition, in 2011. Dr. van Caulil teaches graduate level courses in health services administration and health informatics and lectures frequently on a wide array of topics in the healthcare field. Dr. van Caulil serves on several state, regional and national boards and committees that address quality of care, patient safety, healthcare delivery and payment reform. She is the vice chair of Florida’s Consumer Health Information and Policy Analysis Advisory Council, charged with overseeing the state’s transparency efforts including implementation of the state’s all payer claims database.

Dr. van Caulil graduated from Duke University with a bachelor of science in biology and completion of the “Science, Technology and Human Values” degree program. She received a master of science in public health in Health Policy and Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an interdisciplinary Doctorate in Public Affairs from the University of Central Florida. Dr. van Caulil was named “Outstanding Alumni” from the University of Central Florida’s College of Health and Public Affairs in 2012 and under her leadership, the Florida Alliance received the Member Leadership Award from the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions in 2018.

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