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John Armitstead is the system director of pharmacy services at Lee Memorial Hospital in Ft. Myers and Cape Coral, Florida. There, Armitstead is involved in strategic planning, financial management, direction and coordination of pharmacy care provision in a multi-hospital system consisting of over 260 FTEs of pharmacy staff. In addition, Armitstead was the 2015 president for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Armitstead has served on the ASHP board of directors and on several ASHP councils and committees. He is active in the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists, is a founding member of the Florida Residency Conference and a member of 340B Health. He is a past president of the Kentucky Society of Health-System Pharmacists and Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists and is a recipient of the Clifton J. Latiolais Award from the Ohio State University School of Pharmacy.

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