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Pauline Lapin, MHS, is the director for the seamless care models group (SCMG) in the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Pauline oversees and provides guidance in the development and implementation of innovative payment and delivery models related to advanced primary care and accountable care organizations, namely the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus, Next Generation ACO and the Comprehensive ESRD Care models, as well as the recently announced Primary Care First and Direct Contracting initiatives. Her group also manages health plan innovation models in Medicare Parts C and D, including the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design, Enhanced Medication Therapy Management and Part D Modernization models.

Pauline has been in federal service at CMS for over 25 years, previously serving as deputy director of SCMG, and as a division director in the Office of Research, Development and Information, where she oversaw the design and implementation of a variety of demonstrations, including those related to medical home/advanced primary care practice and prevention.

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