Joanne Williams, MD, MPH, MACM is a family physician. She received her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. In addition, she completed her Family Medicine Residency at the University of Maryland and her masters in public health from Emory School of Public Health in the International Track with a concentration in Behavioral Science and Health Education. This was accomplished around a two year position with the Peace Corps as the Area PC Medical Office in Niger (West Africa). She has had significant experience working in student health both at the University of Georgia (Athens) and at Emory University.
Much of her professional time was spent in medical student education, with a special interest in service learning and curriculum development. She enjoys training Emory nurse practitioner and medical students, and she continues to work with the physician assistant students, in special projects.
She currently works at the Neighborhood Health Clinics in Tennessee, who have been serving the uninsured and underinsured populations in the Nashville area for over 40 years, where she is the supervising physician for the nurse practitioners.