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CMMI project shows how comprehensive medication management (CMM) improves care for high-risk patients: Initiative has expanded statewide

A Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) grant to the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy funded a pilot to evaluate the impact of integration of clinical pharmacy teams into primary care clinics. USC collaborated with AltaMed Health Services to provide CMM services for patients with poor chronic disease control. Now, thanks to the success of that project, the program has expanded across the state.

What happened with USC and AltaMed can happen around the country. GTMRx believes CMMI should play a central role in developing payment models that support—and sustain—team-based care and services that optimize medication use through advanced primary care and specialty models. GTMRx’s supports CMMI’s new strategic focus and is available to offer expertise and support to advance the organizations goals. Now is the time to invest in teambased, patient-centered care models that recognize appropriately skilled
clinical pharmacists as medication experts who work in collaborative practice with physicians and other providers.

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